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Your head's full of interesting stuff.

Share your opinions to earn real rewards.

Pureprofile helps you make new discoveries about yourself and the things you love.

Earn rewards for completing surveys.
Get recommendations & insights. Shape your future.

Join Pureprofile today, answer questions to build your profile, and you’ll be matched to paid activities (including surveys, videos, polls and more) matched to your life and your interests. 

Turn your opinions into real rewards

Pureprofile isn't just another survey site

Earn rewards in real cash

No confusing points. You’ve got the freedom to spend it on whatever you like.

Receive a reward even if you screen out

If you don’t fit the bill for a survey you’ve started, you’ll still get something for your time.

Watch your account balance climb

Then when it’s time to redeem, get your earnings paid straight into your bank account.

Turn your profile into your own asset

The more questions you answer, the more paid opportunities you’ll receive in the future.

"I enjoy the variation of surveys and the instant reward of seeing my account grow.

I love the fact that even when I am screened out I still get paid."

"Pureprofile just seems to add up really quickly, and it’s great to get a reward within a short space of time."

Erika, member since 2006

Age 56 • From WA

Michael, member since 2004

Age 45 • From VIC

Brii, member since 2010

Age 17 • From VIC

Brad, member since 2005

Age 25 • From TAS

“The thing I enjoy most about Pureprofile is the simplicity of earning rewards and the ability to redeem these awards in cash which is currently helping me save for a trip next year.”

"As a student, Pureprofile is a great way to earn supplementary income in my free time. As a bonus, I get to have my say and learn about new products and ideas."

"I enjoy the variation of surveys and the instant reward of seeing my account grow.

I love the fact that even when I am screened out I still get paid."

Michael, member since 2004

Age 45 • From VIC

Erika, member since 2006

Age 45 • From WA

"Pureprofile just seems to add up really quickly, and it’s great to get a reward within a short space of time."

The digital profile that works hard... for you.

Other companies shouldn’t be the only ones to benefit from your data. 
Sign up today and turn the information you share into cash rewards and insights.


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